Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Late pubic hair growth?

i'm in 8th grade and still don't have pubic hair even though i have boobs. it's hell embarassing in gym class. is there something wrong?

Late pubic hair growth?

No, there's nothing wrong. Though you might feel embarrassed, other girls are probably embarrassed, thinking they have too much. Or they hate their pubic hair and are totally jealous of you. In the end, everyone feel self conscious and out of place, so you're all in the same boat. Don't worry about it.

Late pubic hair growth?

umm cut some hair from ur head and put them in ur vagina. stick em up with a glue or something xxx .. well obviously some adults people dont have hair at all in these parts hun

Late pubic hair growth?

BE HAPPY... its embarrassing TO have it when you have bikini hair when you're swimming... also your hair just may be thinner... and you may just be a late bloomer...

Late pubic hair growth?

many people out there in the world who don't have hairs except scalp at all. You are lucky having no botheration of shaving and waxing. Just relax.

Late pubic hair growth?

Probably not. it's just some people get theirs later ,,i think i didnt til i was older.

try to change discreetly , as you probably figured that out anyway.

it's none of their business, %26amp; they got their business to take care of .

Hang in their kid ! YOU"LL BE ALLRIGHT !! : )

Late pubic hair growth?

You don't want it when you have to much you shave if you get a cut.....ouch.

Late pubic hair growth?

Do you have to strip full naked for gym class?

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