Thursday, November 26, 2009

Weird hair growth on Cavalier King Charles spaniel's head?!?

My year-old Blenheim Cavalier King Charles spaniel has a weird tuft of hair growing on top of her head, about an inch up from both her left ear and above her left eye. Her hair lays down smooth everywhere but here - in this one little spot, about the size of a dime, the hair is beginning to grow really long and fine and it sticks straight up. Also, it is right on the edge between her white fur and her liver colored fur, and it looks like it is coming in white so it looks doubly funny against her colored spots. What's going on - is this her "big dog" fur beginning to grow in or something? Any clues would be appreciated - also any advice on helping her NOT look like Alfalfa from The Little Rascals!!

Weird hair growth on Cavalier King Charles spaniel's head?!?

Sometimes the dogs will get little tufts of hair when they are shedding their undercoat. My dogs get them all of the time on their head when they are shedding, you just gently grasp the tuft of hair and pull it out. It should actually come out very easily and painlessly.

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