Thursday, November 26, 2009

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

Hi. I am a female and this is one of the most embrrassing questions i've asked. I have hair on my stomach, back, chest. Long time back - 6 yrs ago I saw other girls @ high school have no hari or light hair so I started shaving and now it's dark. So a year and half ago I started waxing and now its growing back pretty light/thin but its not invisible...i still need to bleach it. Its so embrassing to do that as a women - to wax your body once a month but I don't knnow what else to do. Does any1 else havve a same problem or know what to do? If I keep waxing more will it eventually lighten and go back to normal? I don't even rem what normal used to look like. Pleae help...very sad abotu this. I have very low self-esteem (socially) b/c of this. Thanks.

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

Laser hair removal. Or you can talk to your doctor to see if there are some alternative treatments special pills or something like that. Hey, you'll never know if you don't ask, right?

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

Nair. Eventually it will go away.

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

considered laser hair removal? It's gotten noteably cheaper and more available

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

Get get laser procedure to remove, it lasts many years,

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

go to the laser shop they will laser the hair and never will grow up again.

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

waxing tends to make your skin super sensitive after using for so long i recommend a nair bleach for the very fine hair if it being dark is the problem and for the thicker or more course hair use nair face hair remover it can be used various places on the body and is a alot more gentle than the regular nair and does not have such an awful odor. I have the same problem having very dark hair i get small hairs that i swear you could see 5 miles away and i just want to hide under the bed for days but after much support from my husband and family i have come to realize it is a natural thing for some women and is nothing to be ashamed about you should love your body :)

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

I "dated" a girl 1 time that had what I have since learned is known as "hirsutism" (from Latin hirsutus = shaggy, hairy, see reference). She had a relatively mild form, but nonetheless significant, in that she had pube-like hairs around her nipples/areola. It kinda freaked me out, to tell you the truth. Her breast hair and stomach hair was fuzzy, which is normal. I don't even recall if it was longer than normal... many women have all kinds of different lengths, but if the hair is soft/fuzzy, don't fret about it... unless it is dark and you plan on being a brazilian bikini bathing suit model!

Speaking from a male's perspective who has shaked my legs on 3 occasions from swimming, who also has a brother with a hairy back who has had it waxed... IT DEPENDS ON THE INDIVIDUAL WHETHER OR NOT HAIR WILL GROW BACK THICKER/DARKER.

The predominant facotr in hair growth is hormonal levels. If you are taking birth control pills or hormone supplements, it will change your natural hair growth patterns. If you have manly/pubic-like hair on your stomach, you may have an endocrinological problem that should be discussed with a physician.

At the end of the day, the decision to leave the hair or wax/shave comes down to personal preference (and cultural norms). If you move to a place like Bavaria or Berkeley, it is perfectly normal for women to have grizzely-like armpits and legs. A little stomach hair won't be noticed. If you live in Santa Monica, you may want to head to the nearest salon. Or at least see if your feelings are the same as your boyfriend/husband/parents.

Good luck with your decision and don't fret regardless of your decision - it's just hair!

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

Lots of women and girls have the same "problem" -- but it's only a problem if you let it be one.

Women can sometimes be as hairy as men. It's a hormonal thing and if you've a body which has been sensitized to testosterone and also have high levels of testosterone you'll be able to grow hair in the areas men grow it. It's as simple as that.

Before committiing yourself to a lifetime of distress in a futile attempt to remove all hair from your body other than your scalp, think about this carefully.

Many women find that though it makes sense to shave any facial hair and leg hair, it's easier and more sensible to leave the rest. Most guys are OK about it.

Remember that a lot of guys are well aware of the fact that the hairiest girls are the ones who are invariably best at the physical side of a relationship. Again, it's the high testosterone levels that are responsible for that.

Body hair growth - very visible. What do i do?? very desparate...need help...please!!?

continue with waxing

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