Saturday, November 28, 2009

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

Hi. The Hair on my legs, upper lip, brow, Bikini line, and underarms Grows like, REALLY fast. I have to shave, pluck, and use a chemical hair remover everyday! And Its really starting to become embarrasing to me. Is There anyway to Stop or slow it down without costing me a fortune?

Other info: Active teen (Inline speedskater)

Somewhat healthy eating habbits( Im not exactly a healthnut...)

I don't smoke or drink.

Fair Complexion

Dark brown/black hair

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

Sounds like you're perfect for laser hair removal! (B/'c you have light skin and dark hair.)

I'm guessing you're Jewish or Italian. ;) (I'm Jewish :))

I'm doing it on my underarms now and it's really amazing.. it pinches a bit.. kinda feels like a little electric bolt.. tiny one.. going into your skin. That's the feeling. I was nervous at first but they start with a really light laser so you don't feel it.

If it's making you self-conscious then I think you should definitely consider it.

Also waxing is a good option because over time, the hair will get thinner. I wax my legs and I've started to notice patches of no hair. (I'm 20).. I shave too.. I alternate. And still, patches.

Also I don't know much about electrolysis but I think it's the same as lasering but not as permanent?

Also keep in mind with lasering, they say that you have to come back roughly twice a year to do a touch-up. And, it's fairly expensive. I'm doing underarms and at this really good place and it's $100 canadian, per session. And I have to go 6 times if I want a really long-lasting result.

Good luck! You can email me if you have any urgent/specific q's.

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

know what... i have the same freakin problem. VERY ANNOYING. i was told by my doctor it's genetic %26amp; really nothing but laser removal.

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

umm... well i know shaving makes hair grow more quickly but maybe get it waxed professionaly?

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

trying seeing a doctor, it may be genetic

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

There is really nothing you can do other than laser removal.

I have the same problem. I feel like a furbee.

Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

1.put rosemary oil in ur hair or coconut oil

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=]



Very active hair growth, What Can I do?!?!?

wax them

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