Saturday, June 19, 2010

What can i growth..?

i want my hair to grow a little longer..what can i do or take..or what works good...

What can i growth..?

im trying to grow mine out too.

ive heard mane and tail shampoo works because it strenghtens your hair its also used for horses and makes it grow.

im going to try it when ig et a chance to pick it up : )

What can i growth..?

... well there's always the chance that you could go bald as an eagle, but you could try that weird looking hair growth shampoo thingy =D

Or do it the old fashioned way and wait ^-^

What can i growth..?

Prenatal vitamins work wonders. But remember that hair length is mostly genetically established. So if your genes are for short hair, theres nothing in this world you can do to make that longer.

However, if you've had long hair before and want to grow it out again, just try some vitamins and also one trick that works for me is massaging your scalp. Doesn't have to be every five minutes and in public but you can do that while in the shower, even when you're shampooing your hair. That's when I do it.

What can i growth..?

eat bread

What can i growth..?

if you want your hair to grow longer and faster, get it cut on or just before the night of the full moon. in chinese medicine the hair is associated with the Water element, the full moon is associated with the Fire element and growth, and Water can take from Fire if it needs extra chi

What can i growth..?

Massage your scalp with olive oil. I had hair that would never grow 2 years back. I started using this olive oil which is imported from Spain called Olivia which you get in a blue can and now my hair is as long as can be! Try it! It really works!

PS: You must also apply it to the ends of your hair to avoid split ends.


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