Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

My Mom finished chemo and radiation treatments last November where she lost ALL the hair on her entire body. It is now almost a year later and she has only grown back her eyelashes, eyebrows and only small patches of hair on her head. Does this mean it is likely that she will never grow a full head of hair or does it mean that it might take her much longer? All the articles I have found all say that your hair will grow back, so since it has not we are really confused. Anyone experience this or know anything on the subject matter?

Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

Has your mother tried Homeopathic.

Homeopathic Health Clinic

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Tel: 020 8574 4281


Finished Chemo 10 months ago and no hair growth?

My wife had radiation to the head and neck; the hair did not grow back in those areas. The radiation seemed to destroy the hairs follicles ability to grow new hair.

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